DAVAO CITY -- The first Health of the Lumad Summit, with the theme “Sustainable Health and Research Engagement (SHARE) with the Lumads”, will be held here in Davao City on November 19-20, 2014 at the Brokenshire Resort and Convention Center in Madapo Hills. The summit is organized by the six Regional Health Research and Development Consortia (RHRDCs) in Mindanao led by RHRDC-XI, in cooperation with the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) and the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC).
According to the event’s organizers, the summit aims to provide avenues for sharing experiences in doing research among indigenous peoples (IPs), and to identify issues that affect the health of IPs. These discussions may form the basis for policy reviews and ethical guidelines in IP health research, which may then help create novel platforms for partnerships among IPs, research communities and other stakeholders.
Former Department of Health Secretary Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan will deliver the Keynote Address on the first day of summit. Other invited speakers include doctors, nurses, health workers, educators and anthropologists from different institutions across Mindanao. The summit hopes to bring together up to 300 participants coming from regional, provincial and municipal health offices, people’s organizations in IP communities, the academe, LGUs, CSOs, and other government agencies.
Andrea Malaya Ragragio
Asst. Professor, Department of Social Sciences
Universsity of the Philippines Mindanao