Call for Undergraduate Thesis on Herbal Medicine- 2012 PCHRD Gruppo Medica Award
The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) of the Department of Science and Technology is now calling for undergraduate thesis on herbal medicine for the 2012 DOST-PCHRD Gruppo Medica Award.
The DOST-PCHRD Gruppo Medica Award gives recognition to relevant and innovative research work on herbal medicine undertaken by undergraduate students. The Award emphasizes research that can lead to practical and/or commercial applications. The Award expects to provide the motivation for students with the technical guidance of their faculty advisers, to view undergraduate thesis not merely as an academic exercise, but as an excellent opportunity to contribute to national interests.
Nomination Procedure
1. Who can participate
The Award is open to all undergraduate students of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chemistry and Arts and Sciences who have completed thesis projects on medicinal plants. The projects must be completed within the current school year.
2. Who can nominate
Nominations must be made by the students' faculty adviser and should be endorsed to PCHRD by the College Dean. Each school/college can endorse a maximum of three (3) thesis projects.
3. How to nominate
Nominations should be made in a prescribed nomination form (see downloads section ). A copy of the completed thesis report should be submitted together with the nomination form. The form must be stamped with the college seal.
Selection Criteria
The criteria for the selection include the following:
1. Relevance (20%)
- Addresses a nationwide health problem or top 10 causes of morbidity or mortality
- Scientifically validates that the plant drug material is effective and safe to use
- Adds information to what is already known in the literature
- Contributes to the promotion of proper and wide use of Philippine medicinal plants
2. Potential for practical application or commercialization of results (30%)
- The herbal medicine is less costly than commercial preparations. Projected cost of the drug product is competitive with available drug in the market
- Commercial use of the plant material will not contribute to the destruction of the plant and is environmentally friendly
- Plant material is readily available and easy to propagate
- Results of the study showed continuity of previous researches such that practical application is evaluated further
- Research has the potential for present and future utilization by health service
3. Creativity and originality of research work (20%)
- The research process design is new and innovative
- A new and effective drug product is reported
- A novel bioactive plant constituent has been identified chemically and pharmacology
- A novel use of the plant material is advanced
4. Scientific quality (30%)
- Experimental design is scientifically sound and valid for the objectives formulated
- Presentation of results is clear and concise
- Review of literature is extensive and updated
- Report is well-written and convincing
Timetable of Activities
Dissemination - March to April Deadline of submission to PCHRD - April 20, 2012 Screening - May Presentation of Finalists to the Committee and final deliberation - June Announcement of winners - August
Cut-off Points for the Award
First Prize - 90 and above Second Prize - 85 - 89.99 Third Prize - 80 - 84.99
Cash Award
The cash award will be divided into three levels:
First Prize - P 60,000 = P 42,000 for the student 12,000 for the mentor 6,000 for the school
Second Prize - P 40,000 = P 28,000 for the student 8,000 for the mentor 4,000 for the school
Third Prize - P 20,000 = P 14,000 for the student 4,000 for the mentor 2,000 for the school
Each awardee will also receive a certificate of merit and recognition.