The Regional Health Research and Development Consortium XI (RHRDC XI) is now accepting Health Research and Development proposals for CY 2022 funding support. This is made possible through funding support from the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD). The proposal must be based on the priority areas indicated in the 2017-2022 Region XI Regional Unified Health Research Agenda (RUHRA). The 2017-2022 RUHRA may be downloaded thru this link:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who can apply?

Researchers and faculty of RHRDC XI member institutions who have permanent or regular status. We highly encouraged young and budding researchers to grab this opportunity.

I am interested in conducting research, but I am not yet a regular or permanent personnel in our institution?

            You may opt to partner with a colleague who is a permanent or regular employee. He or she will be the primary investigator of the study. This arrangement must be made internally within your institution.

How much is the funding support?

Funding support is up to Php 1,000,000. However, this will depend on your proposal. The evaluators will check if the budget is reasonable. 

What should be the duration of my proposal?

Your proposal must be feasible in 6 months – 1 year.

What to submit?

1. capsule proposal. You may download the format HERE

2. endorsement from the Head of Institution addressed to Dr. Warlito C. Vicente, Chair, RHRDC XI (free format)

3. , Curriculum Vitae of the proponent/s (free format)

When is the submission?

            Submission of the capsule proposal, endorsement letter from the head of institution and curriculum vitae of the proponent/s is on February 11, 2022. RHRDC XI will not be catering late and/or incomplete submissions. 

You may send a soft copy of the requirements through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  (Kindly put in the subject: 2022 RRF). We highly discourage hard copy submissions.

For further queries, you may email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., message through our facebook account: or telephone at (082) 227-1313.

I already submitted last 2021 will it still be considered?

Earlier proposals submitted and were categorized as priority are still considered for funding.

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